.. registry: Registry ======== Since twtxt is decentralized by design, features like the timeline are limited to the twtxt users followed by you. To provide a global search for mentions or hash tags, the client will be able to query so called registries. A reference implementation is available at `twtxt-registry (source)`_ in nodejs and a demo instance is running at `twtxt-registry (demo)`_. The client will support multiple registries at the same time, to circumvent possible single point of failures. The registries should sync each others user list by using the `users` endpoint. Format specification -------------------- **Writing to the registry** The responses return proper status code (200 OK) and the description of the status code or a detailed error message. **Reading from the registry** The responses contain one status per line, each of which is equipped with reference to the poster followed by a TAB and an ISO 8601 date/time string followed by a TAB character (\\t) to separate it from the actual text. **General rules** 1. All lists are sorted by timestamp in descending order (most recent one first) 2. All lists support the `page` query parameter to get the next page of the result set. 3. The response must be encoded with UTF-8 and must use LF (\\n) as line separators. API Endpoints ------------- The url to the registry consists of its basepath (e.g. `https://registry.twtxt.org/api/`). The format (e.g. `plain`) is appended, because we might support json or xml format sooner or later. The following parameters: * basePath: `https://registry.twtxt.org/api/` * format: `plain` * endpoint: `tags/twtxt` will call this url: `https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/tags/twtxt`. Add new User ------------ Add a new Twtxt User to the Registry (Status Code is 200): .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/users?url=https://example.org/twtxt.txt&nickname=example OK If it fails to add a new Twtxt User to the Registry (Status Code is 400): .. code-block:: console $ curl -X POST https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/users?url=https://example.org/twtxt.txt Bad Request: `nickname` is missing See latest tweets in the Registry (e.g. ): .. code-block:: console $ curl https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/tweets @ 2016-02-06T21:32:02.000Z @erlehmann is messing with timestamps in @buckket #twtxt :) @ 2016-02-06T12:14:18.000Z Simple nodejs script to convert your twitter timeline to twtxt: https://t.co/txnWsC5jvA ( find my #twtxt at https://t.co/uN1KDXwJ8B ) Search for tweets ----------------- To query for tweets, which contain a specific word, use the tweets endpoint and the q query parameter. .. code-block:: console $ curl https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/tweets?q=twtxt @ 2016-02-09T12:42:26.000Z Do we need an IRC channel for twtxt? @ 2016-02-09T12:42:12.000Z Good Morning, twtxt-world! Query for mentions ------------------ To query for all tweets, which mention a specific user, use the mentions endpoint and the url query parameter. .. code-block:: console $ curl https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/mentions?url=https://buckket.org/twtxt.txt @ 2016-02-09T12:57:59.000Z @ something like https://gitter.im/ or a freenode channel? @ 2016-02-08T22:51:47.000Z @ looks nice ;) Query for tags -------------- To query for all tweets, which contain a specific tag like `#twtxt`, use the tags endpoint and prepend the tag. .. code-block:: console $ curl https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/tags/twtxt @ 2016-02-06T21:32:02.000Z @erlehmann is messing with timestamps in @buckket #twtxt :) @ 2016-02-06T12:14:18.000Z Simple nodejs script to convert your twitter timeline to twtxt: https://t.co/txnWsC5jvA ( find my #twtxt at https://t.co/uN1KDXwJ8B ) Query for users --------------- To query for a user list, use the users endpoint and refine with the q query parameter. .. code-block:: console $ curl https://registry.twtxt.org/api/plain/users?q=example <@example https://example.org/twtxt.txt> 2016-02-09T12:42:26.000Z example <@example https://example.org/42.twtxt.txt> 2016-02-10T13:20:10.000Z example42 .. _twtxt-registry (source): https://github.com/DracoBlue/twtxt-registry .. _twtxt-registry (demo): https://registry.twtxt.org