.. _configuration: Configuration ============= twtxt uses a simple INI-like configuration file. It’s recommended to use ``twtxt quickstart`` to create it. On Linux twtxt checks ``~/.config/twtxt/config`` for its configuration. OSX uses ``~/Library/Application Support/twtxt/config``. Consult :func:`click.get_app_dir` to find out the config directory for other operating systems. Here’s an example ``conf`` file, showing every currently supported option: .. code-block:: ini [twtxt] nick = buckket twtfile = ~/twtxt.txt twturl = http://example.org/twtxt.txt check_following = True use_pager = False use_cache = True porcelain = False disclose_identity = False character_limit = 140 limit_timeline = 20 timeout = 5.0 sorting = descending pre_tweet_hook = "scp buckket@example.org:~/public_html/twtxt.txt {twtfile}" post_tweet_hook = "scp {twtfile} buckket@example.org:~/public_html/twtxt.txt" # post_tweet_hook = "tail -1 {twtfile} | cut -f2 | sed -e 's/^/twt=/'| curl -s -d @- -d 'name=foo' -d 'password=bar' http://htwtxt.plomlompom.com/feeds" # post_tweet_hook = "aws s3 cp {twtfile} s3://mybucket.org/twtxt.txt --acl public-read --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY --cache-control 'max-age=60,public'" [following] bob = https://example.org/bob.txt alice = https://example.org/alice.txt [twtxt] ------- +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | Option: | Type: | Default: | Help: | +===================+=======+============+===================================================+ | nick | TEXT | | your nick, will be displayed in your timeline | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | twtfile | PATH | | path to your local twtxt file | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | twturl | TEXT | | URL to your public twtxt file | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | check_following | BOOL | True | try to resolve URLs when listing followings | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | use_pager | BOOL | False | use a pager (less) to display your timeline | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | use_cache | BOOL | True | cache remote twtxt files locally | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | porcelain | BOOL | False | style output in an easy-to-parse format | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | disclose_identity | BOOL | False | include nick and twturl in twtxt’s user-agent | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | character_limit | INT | None | limit amount of characters a tweet can have | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | limit_timeline | INT | 20 | limit amount of tweets shown in your timeline | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | timeout | FLOAT | 5.0 | maximal time a http request is allowed to take | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | sorting | TEXT | descending | sort timeline either descending or ascending | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | pre_tweet_hook | TEXT | | command to be executed before tweeting | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | post_tweet_hook | TEXT | | command to be executed after tweeting | +-------------------+-------+------------+---------------------------------------------------+ ``pre_tweet_hook`` and ``post_tweet_hook`` are very useful if you want to push your twtxt file to a remote (web) server. Check the example above tho see how it’s used with ``scp``. [followings] ------------ This section holds all your followings as nick, URL pairs. You can edit this section manually or use the ``follow``/``unfollow`` commands of twtxt for greater comfort.