twtxt uses a simple INI-like configuration file. It’s recommended to use twtxt quickstart
to create it.
On Linux twtxt checks ~/.config/twtxt/config
for its configuration.
On OSX it uses ~/Library/Application Support/twtxt/config
Consult click.get_app_dir()
to find out the config directory for other operating systems.
Here’s an example conf
file, showing every currently supported option:
nick = buckket
twtfile = ~/twtxt.txt
twturl =
check_following = True
use_pager = False
use_cache = True
porcelain = False
disclose_identity = False
character_limit = 140
character_warning = 140
limit_timeline = 20
timeline_update_interval = 10
timeout = 5.0
sorting = descending
pre_tweet_hook = "scp {twtfile}"
post_tweet_hook = "scp {twtfile}"
# post_tweet_hook = "tail -1 {twtfile} | cut -f2 | sed -e 's/^/twt=/'| curl -s -d @- -d 'name=foo' -d 'password=bar'"
# post_tweet_hook = "aws s3 cp {twtfile} s3:// --acl public-read --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY --cache-control 'max-age=60,public'"
bob =
alice =
Option: | Type: | Default: | Help: |
nick | TEXT | your nick, will be displayed in your timeline | |
twtfile | PATH | path to your local twtxt file | |
twturl | TEXT | URL to your public twtxt file | |
check_following | BOOL | True | try to resolve URLs when listing followings |
use_pager | BOOL | False | use a pager (less) to display your timeline |
use_cache | BOOL | True | cache remote twtxt files locally |
porcelain | BOOL | False | style output in an easy-to-parse format |
disclose_identity | BOOL | False | include nick and twturl in twtxt’s user-agent |
character_limit | INT | None | shorten incoming tweets with more characters |
character_warning | INT | None | warn when composed tweet has more characters |
limit_timeline | INT | 20 | limit amount of tweets shown in your timeline |
timeline_update_interval | INT | 10 | time in seconds cache is considered up-to-date |
timeout | FLOAT | 5.0 | maximal time a http request is allowed to take |
sorting | TEXT | descending | sort timeline either descending or ascending |
use_abs_time | BOOL | False | use absolute datetimes in your timeline |
pre_tweet_hook | TEXT | command to be executed before tweeting | |
post_tweet_hook | TEXT | command to be executed after tweeting |
and post_tweet_hook
are very useful if you want to push your twtxt file to a remote (web) server. Check the example above tho see how it’s used with scp
This section holds all your followings as nick, URL pairs. You can edit this section manually or use the follow
commands of twtxt for greater comfort.